Dyslexia Facts

What is Dyslexia?

Dyslexia is a language based learning disability characterized by problems with reading and written language. Dyslexia is not the result of low intelligence; it is an unexpected gap between learning ability and achievement. The problem is not behavioral, psychological, motivational, or social. It is not a vision problem; people with dyslexia do not "see letters backwards." Dyslexia results from differences in the structure and function of the brain in regards to language. Dyslexia is often a hereditary condition. It is estimated that about 10% of the population has a language based learning disability. Of the students receiving special education services in public schools, approximately 70-80% have a primary deficit in reading. 

What are characteristics of dyslexia?

- Lack of awareness of sounds in words, rhymes, or syllables (phonological awareness)

- Difficulty decoding single words

- Difficulty encoding words (spelling)

- Poor sequencing of numbers, and/or letters in words, when read or written

- Difficulty with reading comprehension, due to poor decoding or fluency rate

- Difficulty expressing thoughts in written form and slowed written expression

- Difficulty with handwriting and/or letter formation

- Difficulty in math; related to sequencing, retrieval of math facts, the language of math, and word problems.

What type of instruction is recommended for a student with dyslexia?

Dyslexic students typically NEED special instructional programs to learn to read, write and spell effectively.

- Program Content: Students with dyslexia often require a "Structured Language" or "Structured Literacy" program.  Direct instruction in the code of written language (the letter-sound system) is critical.  This code must be taught in a sequential, cumulative, and explicit manner.   

- Program Delivery: Students with dyslexia require multisensory delivery of language content.  Multisensory instruction employs varied pathways of learning; seeing, hearing, touching, writing, and speaking.  Each of those pathways are included in a remediation session.

How long does a student usually need individualized remediation services for dyslexia?

Dyslexia differs in severity and type.  Other factors affecting student progress include age, home and school support, and any other learning difficulties that may be present.  There ARE effective educational strategies for dyslexic students and these strategies take time and effort.  Typically, students in a dyslexia remediation program meet several times per week for 18-24 months.

Why is it important to choose a therapist trained in dyslexia remediation rather than using a tutor?

Teaching reading is complex.  As researcher Louisa Moats states, "Teaching reading IS rocket science!"  

A tutor typically helps a child with homework assistance or helps the child to "catch up" on certain academic skills.  They may or may not have specific knowledge of learning disabilities. Speech Language Pathologists and Educational Therapists who specialize in reading difficulties have extensive training in a "Structured Language Approach". Multisensory techniques are used so that the auditory, visual, and kinesthetic/tactile senses can all be employed to help focus the student’s attention and allow the brain to imprint the letters and sounds that go together.  Teaching is completed using diagnostic, prescriptive, cyclical and explicit methodology. They are highly trained with advanced educational degrees and specialty certification.  This type of certification is equivalent to college level courses and typically includes a practicum with supervision by a master teacher.